Why Acoustics?
G&S Acoustics prides itself on tackling acoustical challenges. For resources on “Why Acoustics”, see the list of articles, metrics and apps below.
Bleach-Cleanable Fabrics Available
G&S offers a large selection of bleach-cleanable fabrics for acoustic panels.
Bleach is an effective disinfectant, that kills most bacteria, fungi and viruses. When fabrics need to be disinfected or sterilized, use a 1:10 household bleach-to-water solution.

No Place for Reflection
The controlling sound reflection in multi-purpose spaces article appears in Walls & Ceilings Magazine. This article explains the complexities of controlling sound in a gymnasium. Click here for the full magazine edition.
Acoustics Class
Contact your local G&S Acoustics representative to attend the G&S AIA accredited class below.
Architectural Acoustics for Today’s Buildings (G&S Acoustics) GSAIACEU01 1 LU Hour – HSW

Safeguard your School or Office
G&S offers a large selection of bleach-cleanable fabrics for acoustic panels. Beside fabrics G&S also offers bleach-cleanable products.
Acoustics in Schools
Classroom acoustics are an important, often neglected, aspect of the learning environment. Up to 60% of classroom activities involve speech between teachers and students or between students, indicating the importance of environments that support clear communication.

Listen Up! Protect Your Hearing
Noise (sound) is all around us — at school, at home and all the places in between. It’s everywhere we go. But being around too much loud noise, like at concerts or fireworks shows, can make you lose your hearing and once it’s gone, you can’t get it back.
How Loud is Too Loud?
The louder the sound, the quicker it can damage your hearing. Sound is measured in decibels. Sounds at or about 85 dBA* can cause hearing loss.

Free Sound Level Meter
Do you work or socialize near a noisy environment, such as a construction site, a popular restaurant, or a concert or sports venue? Ever wonder how loud the noise really is and if it could be damaging your hearing? There’s an app for that!
Are restaurants too loud?
Noisy restaurants aren’t always bad — sometimes it’s even preferred, and creating a lively atmosphere requires a certain level of noise. But it’s about getting the right amount that’s key.